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Curtis Botham & Elise Campbell
The Chester Art Centre wishes to congratulate our successful Artists in Residence for 2022. Curtis Botham and Elise Campbell joined us from April 15th to June 15th with an exhibition to showcase their work opening on June 8th.

Curtis Botham

Curtis Botham is a large-scale charcoal artist who graduated from NSCAD University in 2017. He has won numerous grants and awards, including NSTT scholarships, the Canada Games Young Artist of Excellence Award, and numerous grants from Arts Nova Scotia and the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation. His artwork has been displayed in galleries around Nova Scotia. His previous artwork dealt with heavy industry in Pictou County, where he explored the origins, impacts, and labour involved in the products that make up our lives. While in Chester, he’ll apply the same approach when depicting the local aquaculture industry and community.
While in Chester, I’ll depict the local fishing/aquaculture industry, as part of a larger project I’m working on throughout 2022. I’ll avoid touristy, picturesque depictions, aiming instead for a documentary-style representation of the realities of commercial fishing. I hope to give viewers a fresh understanding and appreciation for the processes of fishers/aquaculturists, and how they shape their communities. My Chester project will culminate in a series of charcoal artworks on exhibition. I plan on connecting with the Chester Heritage Society, locals working in the industry, and conservation groups in order to facilitate an honest depiction of this quintessential maritime industry.
To make sure that I produce accurate, honest artworks of Chester’s fishing/aquaculture industry, I’ll engage with people who are knowledgeable about the subject. I plan to connect with the Chester Heritage Society, local Atlantic Salmon Federation, nearby aqua farms, and fishers on the Tancook Islands. I’d love to hear from anyone who might be able to help me with this project, whether they work with fish or sea cucumbers, or any other seafood. I can be contacted at ctbotham@gmail.com. Throughout my residency, I’ll also host several open-studio days. My time in Chester will conclude with a public art exhibition.