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The Chester Art Centre is hosting an outdoor Summer Artist & Artisan Market on July 20th from 10am - 4pm.
We are looking for artists, crafters and creative makers of all kinds to join us! Do you paint? Craft soaps? Write books, make jewellery, clothes, carvings or something else creative? We'd love to hear from you!
To apply:
Simply send us an email with an overview of your work, a little information about you and some photos! Please include your preferred table size and any other information about your set up. If you have a tent, booth or other setup you would like to bring, please let us know. Deadline to apply: June 7, 11:59pm.
Accessibility Information:
This event is planned to take place outdoors in the large backyard of the Chester Art Centre. The backyard is not paved––it is flat but grass-covered. The Art Centre has a ramp and accessible washroom inside the building. If you have accessibility needs or would like further information, please contact us.
Set-up/Take down: Set up is planned from 9am to 10am and take-down from 4pm to 5pm. If you require more time, note this in your application email.
Marketing: This event will be widely marketed locally and along the south shore through paid ad placements, social media and print ads. The village of Chester is very busy in the summer months with tourists, seasonal residents and full time residents. We are expecting the event to be very well attended.
Table fees:
$25 – The Chester Art Centre is a registered charity. Table fees are to help cover the costs of holding the event. If the cost is a barrier to you participating, the fee can be waived. Please let us know in your application.
Deadline to apply: June 7, 11:59pm