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Ethan Neville

“Something from Nothing”
Ethan Neville is a film maker and multimedia artist living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He has worked as an artist, Director, Cinematographer and Editor since 2001. He is currently working on a long-form multimedia art experiment: Stone Soup Unlimited, the Stone of Kindness project. This art work is based on a hunch, that humanity can evolve out of ignorance and self destruction. With the practice of Kindness, Conversation and Celebration we may attend to our collective ecological, social and scientific imbalances. This work arises out of an ordinary stone found on the shores of Cape Breton, and leads us on a journey into our collective humanity, exploring Sacred Faces and Sacred Places. The stone of Kindness serves as a sort of living talisman, a conduit into our simple yet profound connection to the earth and each other.